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Daily Water Allotment

Water Rationing Daily Allotment

The IPUD’S Board of Directors adopted a Water rationing Resolution on August 25, 2021. However, RATIONING IS NOT IN EFFECT YET.

The Board’s August 25 Resolution set a “trigger” for when rationing would come into effect. This trigger is based on the District’s capability to maintain the water levels in its storage tanks at a safe level. The “safe” level that was benchmarked is 50%, determined as a 7-day running average. In other words, whenever the average tank level over the most recent 7-day period drops below 50%, rationing will come into effect automatically. If that happens, rationing will remain in effect until the Board of Directors acts to cancel it. 

If water rationing is activated, you will be notified by email (or by USPS mail if you have affirmed to us in writing that you do not have email). This notification will also inform you of the amount of water allocated daily to each customer in each Rationing Group; this amount of water will constitute your Daily Water Allotment at the time rationing comes into effect. You will also be able to access this information on this website page.

If you have returned the Water Rationing Survey, you will be notified by postcard of the Rationing Group to which you belong. If you did not return the Water Rationing Survey, you will be assigned automatically to Group “RB”.

Here is a list of the Rationing Groups and what each one means:

C         Commercial customer (or other nonresidential service)

RB       Residential service, basic allotment only (no full-time occupants)

R0       Residential service, no allotment (for inactive meters)

R1       1-person household

R2       2-person household

R3       3-person household

R4       4-person household

R5       5-person household

R6       6-person household

R7       7-person household

R8       8-person household

RV      Residential service with a variance

It is possible that the allotment amounts will have to be adjusted during rationing. In such a case, we will send out an email notifying all our customers of the change and of the new allotment level for each Rationing Group. This updated information will also be posted here on the website.

If you missed the Water Rationing Survey, or if you need to update a Survey you already submitted, you can download a copy here.

                                                                                                                                       Sept. 3, 2021

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