Mark your calendars!
Inverness Disaster Council is sponsoring a webinar this Thursday:

Learn more about atmospheric rivers, their risks, and how you can prepare and respond to these intense storms. Pt. Reyes Disaster Council and Inverness Disaster Council are sponsoring this event on March 30, along with West Marin Climate Action. See details and register HERE.
Chipper Days 2023:

What is new:
- The Chipper Program will now offer 5 pickup opportunities to all residents within the MWPA jurisdiction. These events will be spaced evenly throughout the season and will occur roughly every 5 weeks for all residents
- The signup website has been improved! Residents will now be able to “drop a pin” at the exact location where they will be placing their pile. Piles will still need to be located close to the roadway and in an easily visible location for the crews.
- Residents will now be able to view their reservation status, so that they can verify if the pickup is still outstanding or has been retrieved. They will also be able to cancel from the same viewing page.
- Text alerts will be sent out at the beginning of each event week to remind those who have signed up that the chipper is coming.
The Chipper Day Program is a great resource for residents who are looking to remove hazardous vegetation and create defensible space around their home. The program’s increased pickup schedule will ensure that all residents have ample opportunities to take advantage of the service throughout the year.
In order to sign up, please visit and enter your address to view the dates that the chipper will be in your area. Sign up today!